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Updated: Feb 20, 2019

It is a simple truth that most lives begin, are inspired by and are propelled forward through acts of passion, and strong emotional ties rooted in love, or hate, or often with a mixture of both. My life has played out like a dramatic novel, filled with triumph, trauma, hate, peace, conflict, friendship, envy, jealousy, bitterness and love. 

From my birth until today, has been a long and winding journey filled with adventure, struggles, triumph and tears.  Some were tears of laughter while many were tears of heartache, but it all began in a small home in Guyana.  The real story of my life began in Guyana, with the relationship between my father and mother. The tumultuous ups and downs of our lives, born out of their love and lack thereof towards me as a child as well as towards one another, set the stage early on in the evolution of my life.

I give many thanks to the God of Israel for every ounce of creativity and its execution that he has blessed me with throughout my life.  It is because of this creative pulse that I have always been able to find outlets to express myself and to achieve my vision, my goals, and my purpose in a world of constant transition. 

It is from my skills in music, public speaking, journalism, book writing, acting, play writing, and directing, that I have always been able to take what was within me and offer it in a meaningful way to those that would give me audience.  I have also been blessed with the ability and opportunities to mentor and teach these skills to others in my life’s journey.

I will always be full of love, gratitude and admiration for my Grandfather whom I was named after. I am appreciative for his early teachings, which have stayed with me all these years.  Whether he knew it or not, his wise words and his knowledge of our true origins were important building blocks to my purpose and life today.

I give thanks for my mother, who taught me through many examples to never give up on whatever it is that must be done.  My mother taught me that no matter what situations I face in life, to never give in to defeat.  She taught me to hold my head up high, stare the world in the eye, and never back down from a fight.

I am thankful for the former President of Guyana, Forbes Burnham who recognised the potential in a street kid and chose to give him a chance.  He first exposed me to the political arena, which has given me invaluable life lessons and skills.

I would also like to thank each and every individual member of the Israelite Nation World Wide Ministries. I thank you all not only for your love and support over these many years that has gone by, but also for your strength in walking a path that has never been popular in the eyes of society at large. Many of you have faced judgment and even been ostracised because of this; know that your pain is also mine.  May the God of Israel bless you all for your good works and clean hearts.

To all my children and grandchildren, I love you more than words can say.  You all are my breath; without you, I would be lost.  For your courage and brain power that no one will be able to take from you.  My blood is in your veins.

There are many inspirations from my past, and in my life today that I would like to mention, but it is too many to fit in this introduction, but I hope that this website will ultimately be able to offer due tribute to them all in the various stories and articles that will be available for you the reader, to pursue and explore at your own pace.  However, I feel that I would be amiss not to talk about one person in particular, who was the sole inspiration for the chronicling of my own life via this website, Ms. Andrene Graham.

Ms. Andrene Graham was a very close member of what has become my extended family over the past few decades. 

This beautiful and effervescent spirit was stolen away from us in a brutal, heartless act of unconscionable violence.  She was a blessing and an inspiration, even in her last days.  As if she knew that she would be leaving us, she began to write the memoirs of her life.  She did so with great detail starting from her birth in Jamaica.  Chapter by chapter, chilling detail by chilling detail, she scribed the history and events of her entire life up to the time when her life was taken away.  She wanted her story to be told through her eyes and I am truly grateful that I was able to be the only recipient of her story.  Though she is gone, her story remains, her legacy is with all of us who she touched with her love her laughter and her songs. 

For her loved ones, and for the generations to come after her whom will want to know about her life, and who she was, will never be disappointed. It is because of Ms. Andrene Graham’s example that I will also take on the task of providing what I can in the form of a biographical look into my life. 

We all miss you Andrene and credit you for the inspiration and motivation for the creation of

Shadrock Porter



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